Agentur MIT-SCHMIDT Kommunikation GmbH in Hamburg

Online Marketing

Online Marketing

The web is yours!

Anyone looking for information these days is most likely to use the Internet. This applies to consumers as well as business partners and especially before a potential investment, the purchase of a product. Online marketing is therefore particularly important for online shops and e-commerce companies. But even if the purchase takes place offline, Google and Co. Information provider. Who is not found there, goes under in the mass of the offers in the Web. Accordingly, online marketing has become an integral part of companies.

The term online marketing is often used as a synonym for “Internet advertising”, but it is much more multifaceted. It’s not just about promoting a product online. Instead, online marketing can begin with essential points such as website design and end with media-psychological activities such as the precise study of target group behavior. The methods of online marketing are as diverse as its purposes: website design, advertising such as banner placement, online articles, e-mail marketing, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), Google optimization with SEO and SEA as well as affiliate marketing are just a few of the areas of online marketing. Not to forget mobile marketing for smartphones and tablets as well as the production and distribution of apps.

For many companies it is almost impossible to see through the jungle of online marketing opportunities and decide on the right channels and measures. To reach the right customers among the many millions of German Internet users, it therefore requires the know-how of a competent service provider – ideally an online marketing agency such as MIT-SCHMIDT Communication.

Statistik: Anteil der Internetnutzer in Deutschland in den Jahren 2001 bis 2016 | Statista Mehr Statistiken finden Sie bei Statista

Online marketing – a term with high contextuality

How do our marketing professionals proceed? First of all, we take a personal look at you as a company, ask about your goals and previous marketing measures in order to analyse potentials and risks. In addition, we always carry out extensive research that takes into account the market, target groups and the activities of the competition, among other things.

A strategy and a creative guiding idea form the basis of every successful online marketing campaign. A marketing agency like ours uses the strategy to initially define goals and time periods, while all communication measures are thematically derived from the guiding idea. Afterwards it is about the selection of the most promising online media and channels and their efficient linkage. In order to find out whether our marketing has the desired effect, we also carry out regular performance reviews to optimize our strategy if necessary and to be able to plan new campaigns particularly effectively.

We take your online business to a new level!

If you are interested in professional online marketing, please contact MIT-SCHMIDT Communication for advice on possibilities and opportunities. Whether innovative mobile marketing concepts, tips on affiliate marketing and e-commerce or a thematic plan for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – we show you how to optimally reach your target group.
Contact us by e-mail or telephone and arrange a non-binding consultation!

+49 (0)40 41 40 63 9-10